Photo Stamp Remover For Mac

We are the most photo-loving generation yet and before awesome photo editing software came along, we were used to having not so accurate photos. Truth be told, however, photo bombs aren’t always fun and sometimes, you really want to get rid of that odd thing in your beautifully designed photo shot. Things like an annoying watermark/logo in an otherwise perfect piece of photography, or the date stamp in your company photo and epic general nature shot. Those are all the things that you want to remove from your photos.

Though the watermark, logo and date stamp features can be easily turned off on the camera, you or someone you know may carelessly take photos that contain the stuff like watermark, logo and date stamp. Fortunately, there are lots of digital photo editors available in the market that can take the date and time out from the image.

How to Remove Unwanted Objects from a Photo? 1 Click the “Edit a Photo” button on Fotor’s homepage, and import your image.; 2 Go to “Beauty” and then choose “Clone”.; 3 Adjust the brush size, intensity, and fade.; 4 Use brush to clone one natural part of the image to cover the unwanted object. And apply the effect. 5 Save your work, choosing the format and size you wish. Photo Date Stamper is a dedicated free photo date stamper software for Windows. Using this software, you can add a stamp of current date or any other date on a photo. By default, it adds stamp of the current date, but you can change that by disabling the Auto Date Checkbox.It also allows you to place the date stamp at any corner of the photo. The Photos app uses the “Date Created” to timestamp the photos. So I have thousands of photos dated “today” when I view the photos in the app – even though they were taken years ago. I tried uploading some photos to my iCloud photo library from my PC using iCloud for windows. The uploaded photos appear correctly in the. AKVIS Retoucher is an efficient program for photo restoration and photo retouching. The software removes dust, scratches, stains, and other defects that appear on damaged photos. It intelligently reconstructs the missing parts of the photo using the information of the surrounding areas. The software offers a multi-language user interface. Photo stamp remover free download - Photo Stamp Remover, Free Photo Stamp Remover, Stamp, and many more programs. Enter to Search. My Profile Logout.

There are several simple techniques to remove undesired objects from your photos and there are lots of good options for every platform. In this article, we will reveal to you how to erase the undesired elements like watermark, logo and etc from your photos using some watermark remover tools, step by step.

Method 1. A Helpful Logo, Date Stamp and Watermark Remover Software

Experts tend to add watermarks to their photographs for copyright designs, for example the shutterstock watermark, but there are times when they might not have kept the initial copy of the picture. So what should they do if they want the first image back, without the watermark? Usually, the original software used to create the watermark, logo or date stamp might not have the characteristics to exclude it, but that’s fine since there is a Jihosoft Photo Eraser option. And this great watermark remover is developed to eliminate unwanted objects from photos on Windows. It helps you get rid of the dreadful watermarks, logos, and date stamps on your pictures with ease. It will remove shutterstock watermark and other logos from images without ever having to hire a trained professional.

For those who prefer open source designs, Jihosoft Photo Eraser is probably one of the best image editing tools. It’s quite compelling, and users can do a lot of things normally done in other photo editors which are so complicated that it will take you a lot of doing. On top of that, it’s great for removing watermarks from photos, and even removing censored parts in photos. If there are other stains in your picture, it is capable of wiping it away too.

It’s also great for those who’ve never tried to exclude unwanted objects from their images because it has an inbuilt video tutorial that guides you through the entire method. For beginners who don’t have photo editing skill, the best option is Jihosoft Photo Eraser, which has several intelligent features that help to remove unwanted objects in an image easily. It’s designed to intelligently analyze backgrounds to automatically replace a view after removing an object. Finally, Jihosoft Photo Eraser is feature-packed software which includes Smart Clone tool for duplicating yourself or other objects in photos as well as other miscellaneous tasks at no extra charge.

How to Erase Date Stamp, logo and Watermark from Photos?

You see a detailed image design that will really fit in your design but the watermark and logo on it must be removed first. So you’re wondering how to remove watermark and logo from a photo leaving the smooth and clean surface. Jihosoft Photo Eraser offers you a swift and easy solution to make your photos free from unspecified unwanted elements, including watermarks, logotypes, text labels, and so on.

Step 1. Run the program and import your photo that includes the unwanted watermark, logo or date stamp that you want to erase.

Step 2. From the toolbar placed on the left side of the program interface, simply select the tool you want to use to eliminate the watermark. The Rectangle Selection/Lasso Selection/Polygon Selection tool lets you use a triangular/polygon shape to cover the areas that contain undesired objects, as you can see from the picture below, which is the reason why this tool can help you exclude date stamp or logo from photos in just a few flashes.

Alternatively, you can use the Selection Brush tool to do that attentively, but you must make sure that the Brush Size slider is modified to the suitable size to let the brush cover the unwanted area easily. Using a too large or a too small stroke may lower the quality of the erasing result.

Step 3. After you’ve made sure that the date stamp is correctly chosen, click on the Erase button and the software will erase the elements you’ve marked intelligently.

Watermark and logo are often very big, covering important details of the original photo, and eliminating it usually requires a lot of manual work. You only need to select the watermark and logo area roughly, and the program will analyze the range and clean it from the watermark overlay. It needs only a couple of easy changes for outputting clean, ready-for-use photos and images.

Method 2. Super Eraser for Mac

If you’re using a Mac rather than a Windows computer, then there is an alternative to Jihosoft Photo Eraser. This watermark removal software named Super Eraser doesn’t come with the full editing features that Jihosoft Photo Eraser offers, but it does a smart photo retouching software to efficiently remove the unwanted logos, text, data stamps, watermarks, people, etc without spoiling the image background.

Method 3. Remove Watermark Online

Webinpaint is a purely online watermark removal tool, requiring no software download on your computer. You just simply need a working internet connection and upload your photo to the Webinpaint platform. Although it is an online platform with a plain background and basic elements, this tool is powerful enough to remove date stamp and watermark from photos with only a few simple steps.

Sometimes, the edited result may not be as perfect as you desired. You have to repeat the erasing procedure multiple times once the tool’s algorithm gets it wrong. Regardless of that, this online service offers a comfortable way to remove text watermark as well as logo watermark from photos easily.

Method 4. Search online for related images or stock free images

If you don’t want to go through the trouble of editing a photo with watermark, you can search by image or keyword to find the same image or similar alternative that is perfect for your need by using Google Images. You can also go to some Free Stock Photo Websites to search your desired photo that don’t have watermark. There are hundreds of options available for you, for example, Pexels, Usplash, PixaBay and more.


The Jihosoft Photo Eraser and other watermark remover tools help you spend a minimum of your time for the regular job of removing watermark from pictures. It is an affordable assistant for individual and professional needs. For the Jihosoft Photo Eraser, you are welcome to test its innovative characteristics using a free trial version which lets you try all the features included in the program without any limitation.

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Almost all photographers face the problem of unwanted objects in their photos from time to time. Whether it’s a stray piece of paper on a desk or a speck of sensor dust ruining a portrait, there are times when part of an image needs to be removed.

Let’s say you’ve just taken a beautiful portrait of your best friend and you’re excited to get back home and start editing. But when you copy the photo to your computer, you realize there’s a tree coming out of your friend’s head! Noticing an unwanted object in a photograph is extremely frustrating, especially if it isn’t easy to recreate the shot. Download free games for mac. It can be especially frustrating for those who are photographing important events such as weddings.

Luckily, photo editing programs have made it easy to get rid of unwanted objects fast. Is there a tree growing out of someone’s head? A few clicks and — voilà! The tree has been replaced with a beautiful blue sky. Likewise, blemishes can be magically removed with basic photo retouching. Learning how to use the Clone Stamp tool can drastically change your editing.

What is the Clone Stamp tool?

The Clone Stamp tool essentially allows you to copy one part of a photograph and brush it onto a different part. You can change the size, softness, and opacity of the brush. Learning how to use the Clone Stamp makes it easy for you to copy and paste different parts of an image regardless of their size. By choosing a soft brush, you won’t get any hard edges that make it obvious the image was edited.

The Clone Stamp tool replaces pixels with pixels, making edits look more seamless than if you were to use a paintbrush tool. It can be difficult to make cloned images look real at first. But once you learn how to use the Clone Stamp tool, you’ll be able to quickly and efficiently edit your images.

There are many different photo editors that you can use depending on your needs. The Photoshop Clone Stamp is arguably the most widely used because of Photoshop’s great reputation, but there are other, simpler programs you can use as well.

Photo stamp remover for mac downloadRemover

One of them is Luminar. It’s a direct competitor to Photoshop and has many of the same features. Luminar has its own Clone Stamp tool that can help you easily remove unwanted objects or add clones of objects. Learning how to use Clone Stamp in Luminar is just as easy as in Photoshop.

Luminar can be bought for a one-time fee, unlike Photoshop, making it an affordable alternative.


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How to use Clone Stamp

To learn how to use the Clone Stamp tool, you’ll need to have a photo editing software that offers this tool. Once you’ve picked a photo editor, the next step is to select an image you want to edit. You can choose an image that needs some facial retouching, such as a portrait that has a few blemishes. Or you can choose a landscape that could use a bit more foliage (or animals, or water, or sky). Or you can choose any image that has an unwanted object you’d like to remove. Regardless of your choice, learning how to use the Clone Stamp is quick and easy.

How to use the Clone Stamp in Luminar 3

Let’s start by learning how to use the Clone Stamp in Luminar 3. I’ve chosen a simple landscape image as an example.

To find the Clone Stamp, click on the Tools drop-down menu in the top right of the workspace. You can also use Command + J on a Mac.

This will open the Clone Stamp window. At the top, you’ll see three different options: size, softness, and opacity. To make a simple cut and paste clone, keep your softness and opacity at 100%. The size of your brush determines the size of the area you’ll copy. Adjust it until the size works for you.

Tip: The size of the brush can easily be adjusted using the bracket keys on the keyboard: [ and ]. The left bracket makes the brush smaller, while the right bracket makes it bigger. Using these keys will increase and decrease the size by multiples of 12.

For this image, let’s say you’d like to start by adding a couple more trees to the landscape. When you open the Clone Stamp tool, you’ll get a prompt that says “click to set the source.” In this case, I’d like to set a tree as the source to paint that tree over another area of the landscape. When you set your source, it will appear as a target. A large circle will appear over the area you are painting. As you start to paint, you’ll see that the target moves as well.

With a couple of clicks, a new tree has appeared in the scene. If you keep clicking in different parts of the scene to paste more trees, you’ll realize the tool doesn’t work this way. It will begin to grab other areas of the image around the tree and start to paint those in. In order to paint the same tree in different areas, you’ll need to set the source every time. To do so, just hold down the Option key and click on your desired source.

Photo Stamp Remover Free

Now we have a landscape with extra trees. But what if instead of adding more trees to the landscape we wished to remove some? Let’s start with the original image again and use the grass as the source instead of a tree.

By choosing different areas of grass as the source, you can easily remove unwanted trees from the photograph. You can apply this knowledge to any scenario. If there’s a blemish you’d like to get rid of, use nearby skin as the source. If there’s a power line in the sky, use the sky as the source. If you’d like to add more foliage to the background of an image, use the foliage as a source.

Let’s take a look at another example. To start, identify what you want to edit. Specifically, choose the area that you want to add something to (an empty patch of grass, in this example) and the object that you want to clone into that area (in our case, a lamb).

After making your mental selections, it’s time to move ahead. Pressing the Option key on your Mac will change your cursor to a crosshair. All you need to do now is paint over the object that you want to clone elsewhere.

The final step in using the Clone Stamp to duplicate the object is simply to click and hold down your mouse button while you paint over the area where you want the object to be cloned. As you move your cursor over the area, you’ll see the selected object being cloned. Once you’re happy with the cloning, click Apply to return to the main editing menu.

As you can see, it’s straightforward to learn how to use the Clone Stamp in Luminar. In just four simple steps, you can make lamb clones appear in your photo.

Now that you know how to use the Clone Stamp to remove or duplicate objects in your photos, go ahead and download a free trial of Luminar and give it a shot yourself!

Other uses for the Clone Stamp tool

The Clone Stamp tool in Photoshop and Luminar is designed to clone objects, but it can also heal parts of a photo. If you have an image where some detail is missing — a broken part of a brick wall, for instance — you can use the Clone Stamp tool to fill in the details using these same four steps. This way you can make old and tattered objects look whole.

Another great use of the clone tool in Photoshop and Luminar is for removing objects from a photo. If we take the last image above as an example and we wish to remove one of the lambs, all we need to do is follow the same steps, but in this case we would select an empty patch of grass on the right side of the frame as the source and paint over one of the lambs.

Photo Stamp Remover For Mac

Using the Photoshop Clone Stamp tool

Learning how to clone in Photoshop is easy. Let’s open an image with an unwanted object. This simple image of a beach could be fine as is, but let’s say you want to get rid of the person as well as the twig floating in the water. This is easily done with the Photoshop Clone Stamp.

The clone tool in Photoshop can be found on the left side of the screen in the toolbar. The Photoshop Clone Stamp looks like a traditional rubber stamp. It can easily be accessed with the keyboard shortcut S. Just like in Luminar 3, the Photoshop Clone Stamp acts by choosing a source and then painting that source over a different area of the image.

You can change the size and hardness of the brush, the opacity, and the flow of the Clone Stamp tool in Photoshop. Normally, you would leave the opacity and flow at 100% and adjust the brush size based on your image. For hardness, choose a lower percentage. Using 100% hardness will create sharp edges, while less than that will soften the edges.

You can use the bracket keys to adjust the size of the clone tool in Photoshop just like you can in Luminar. To get rid of both the person and the twig, choose areas of the water to use as your source, then paint over the unwanted objects.

With a few simple clicks, both the person and the twig are gone! The Photoshop Clone Stamp and the Luminar 3 Clone Stamp work in the same way and allow the same adjustments to opacity, brush size, and softness (called hardness in Photoshop). And just like in Luminar, in Photoshop you can simply use Option + click to choose a new source. When you begin to paint, the area you’re painting will show up in a large circle, while your source will show up as a cross.

Learning how to use the Clone Stamp is fun and easy. If you’re ready to bring your post-processing to the next level, download a free trial of Luminar 3 today.

Softorbits Photo Stamp Remover

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